About Us
21st century digital radio standard
We work with our members, worldwide, to ensure that DMR Digital Mobile Radio is the most widely supported digital business radio standard. Our members are companies, organisations and individuals who use or build DMR products professionally or those working to support the DMR standard in other ways. By using a combination of education, awareness, certification and interoperability training we operate to make sure that business buyers of today’s digital radio technology have the security of knowing that they are investing in the future. We’re here to ensure that DMR products exist within a successful, open, multi-vendor chain.
We began in 2005 as a group of leading mobile radio manufacturers to support ETSI during the Digital Mobile Radio standardisation process.
Today the Association counts more than 160 members world-wide comprising all of the major DMR equipment manufacturers, system integrators, operators and user organisations.
Our membership is welcoming and open to all organisations where DMR is a consistent part of their business or for those working to support the professional use of the DMR standard in other ways.
Mission and Objectives
For DMR we do:
- Operate an equipment interoperability testing and certification program.
- Communicate with the user community to capture new requirements.
- Enhance the feature set of DMR with new functions.
- Offer education and updates about the standard.
- Give advice to regulators to ascertain an environment in which the technology can flourish.
Members Assembly
The Members Assembly drives the DMR Associations. It begins all the actions and work needed to achieve the purposes of the DMR Association and it determines the membership fees, reviews the work of the Marketing and Technical Working Groups, elects Chairman of the Organisation. Category One and Category Two members have voting rights and all member companies have the right to attend meetings. Most of the Association’s detailed work is undertaken by two specialist working groups; one for technical issues and one for marketing, both reporting to the Members Assembly. The officers of the Association are elected from the membership.

Mario Micheli
Chair of the Association
Mario is a telecommunications engineer who works for Leonardo formerly Selex ES. During his 25 year career, Mario has held numerous technical and management positions in the professional and military communications business.
“I am convinced that a genuine interoperable and multi-vendor product offering is a key to the success for a PMR technology. DMR equipment, regardless of the manufacturer, is to be truly interoperable allowing for a healthy competition in the market that will result in continuous product innovation. For these reasons I firmly believe that DMR is positioned as the ideal candidate to substitute many legacy analogue systems and that the DMR Association has a fundamental role to achieve this objective.”

Tom Bohn
Technical Work Group (TWG) Chair
Tom has over 30 years of experience with Motorola Solutions and has worked on DMR Products, ETSI DMR technical specifications and DMR Association Interoperability since 2003. Tom attended the very first DMR Association Interoperability test session in 2010. He has authored numerous Tier 2 and Tier 3 IOP test cases and has made significant contributions to the suite of ETSI DMR technical specifications. He is currently the rapporteur for ETSI DMR Parts 1, 2 and 3.

Brian Seedle
Treasurer and Director
Brian Seedle (MSc) has been working in the LMR industry for over 40 years. Brian has been responsible for the design and implementation of digital, infrastructure architecture particularly specialising in narrow band LMR. Brian is the chairman of the U.K Trunking Standards Maintenance Group, a member of ETSI ERM/ETSI TGDMR Group, and a referee for the Science and Engineering Research Council. Brian has been writing Open Standards for analogue and digital LMR since 1988 and is currently the lead author for the ETSI DMR Tier III Standard. Brian is a director of the DMR Association and a member of the DMR Technical Working Group.

Andy Grimmett
Company Secretary
Andy has worked in mobile radio for over 20 years, holding senior technical and marketing roles. After several years as Technical Working Group Chair, Andy now provides administrative support to the association.